
Twisted Cable – What to do.

Many of my customers are unhappy about their robot having a twisted cable.  Here at All robotic we replace more floating cables than anything else.  If you don’t look after your floating cable, the floating cable can become twisted and can affect the robots ability to clean the pool.

Leaving the floating cable plugged into the power supply all the time is the most common cause of twisted cables.

For a better operating robot, unplug your floating cable from the power supply when you have finished using it.  Stretch the cable out in a straight line.  Starting at the robot pull the cable to yourself looping it up.  Hang the cable on  the robot caddy or on a hook on the wall.  Do not wrap the cable around the robot.  Rolling the cable up as per the instructions in your manual will ensure you do not have problems with the floating cable.

Pool Robots For Sale

I often get asked which pool robot I would recommend?

For friendly advice on which pool robot is the right one for you call  03 95871934.

Have you got an old tired worn out pool robot not worth fixing? Trade in your old pool robot for a new one and save $$$ off the purchase price!

Take the time to visit our Pool Robot One Stop Shop to view our extensive range and brands all in one place.  Located at 24/107 Wells Road Chelsea Heights. Open Now

Book in for a Pre-Season Service

Is your robot cleaner looking a bit tired?  Not running around the pool like it used to?

Why not bring your robot in for a pre season check up.  This is a good time to have the whole robot Inspected. Essential parts like the drive tracks, filter pads, drive belts, gears and bearings can be inspected for wear, and replaced if necessary.

Save time and money using the right filter to clean your dirty pool! Did you know you can buy disposable filter pads to help clean up a dirty pool?  This saves you clogging your fine filter pads and having to constantly clean them.

Give us a call so we can let you know what types of disposable filters are available for your robot.


Zodiac Announces Patented Lift System

Lift System technology is an innovation that makes it easier to remove the robot from the pool. A powerful waterjet is activated as the robotic cleaner is removed from the water, making it lighter to lift.

No more pulling the robot through the water by the cable to get it out of the pool. Just press the lift button and the robot will come to you and wait at the surface of the pool for you to lift it onto the deck.